Commitment is freedom. Most people see commitment as the opposite. Thus the reason many people are afraid of marriage, a steady relationship, or even giving the company they work for all they have to offer. People with this mindset are always looking for something better and searching for more while they settle forwhat they have. They see commitment as giving up what might be or could have been. They view commitment as a thing to avoid because it is best to "keep their options open." What they are doing when they do this is giving up the joy of life. They are giving up the freedom and the creativity that comes from commitment.
When you commit you allow your mind the freedom to not worry or think about that aspect of your life. You increase the amount of your mind that can be used for creativity and moving your life forward. As the law of space and time displacement states, you can not have two things happening in the same place and time.
When you think, "I will settle for this but not fully commit just in case something better comes up" that part of your mind and thinking is always searching for that next best thing and, by physical law, can not think about anything else.
When you fully commit, to your career for example, you become focus minded. You remove the doubt within your mind focused on if you made the correct career choice. You focus on becoming better at your career. Your mindset switches and you begin to get more done in less time and to be promoted more quickly as a result. Why? Because you committed. Because you chose to free your mind and allow it to focus on something. You start to see ways of doing things that improve productivity, increase value for the customers, and you see the value in being a member of the company. No longer will you be of the mindset, employee against management but you as part of a team working toward a common goal. Commitment is where this new mindset begins.
It is the same with your life. Many people go through life not committing to themselves. They let the world "happen to them" and they do not commit to improving yet settle with living each day hoping and wishing. They search for something better and dream that something resembling the life they say they want will just appear. It never will. Until you commit to improving your life you are committed to double mindedness and confusion. You are committed to being in the search for a better life and that is exactly where you will remain. Searching.
Everyone is already fully committed. Every person on the planet is 100% committed to something. That is how they arrived at the life they have. That is how you achieved what you have achieved. The question is, how is that serving you? How is the level of commitment and what you are committed to serving you? Is it moving you toward the life you say you want or is it creating double mindedness and stagnation in your life?
Look at your life with pure honesty and focus only on the results of the commitments you have. Then ask, "Is this the result I want?" If the answer is no, look at your commitments and decide where they need to be adjusted. Jim Rohn said, "Philosophy drive attitude." I go one step beyond that and state, Commitments drive philosophy. At the root of your philosophy lies your commitments and what you are committed to shapes your life and the lives of those around you. Thus, if you don't like your lifestyle look at your results. If you don't like your results look at your actions. If you don't like your actions look at your attitude. If you don't like your attitude look at your philosophy and if you don't like your philosophy look at your commitments. What is your philosophy of life because there in lies your true commitments? Is it improvement and betterment for you and your fellow man or is it one of complacency, lack, and victim? Are you committed to a career or settling for a job? Are you committed to being financially secure or to living check to check with a penny and a prayer? Change your commitments and you change your life.