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It's about helping as many people as we can.


I am better able to give and receive honest feedback with my wife, kids and staff. I'm choosing to make my experiences mean positive, constructive, loving and productive things. I am actually beginning to revive my dreams.
Randi B. 

Excellence is never AN ACCIDENT.

It is the result of high intention, committed effort, focused execution and the vision to see obstacles as opportunities.
On this page, you'll find a sampling of Klemmer reviews and testimonials about our work from students all over the world.

Written Testimonials

We touch the lives of many different people: Presidents and CEOs of some of the best companies to the next generation of kids who aspire to be leaders.

Leadership Training & Character Development


"I attended my first Personal Mastery with Klemmer in 2008. I was desperate for understanding why my relationships and business kept falling short. Through this weekend, I received many tools and experiences of how I was showing up in life and what shifts needed to happen to create the life I desired. I’ve continued to attend the seminars and give back to this amazing organization, sharing the tools with my family. Today I experience a vibrant marriage and fulfilling relationships with my adult daughters. I encourage you to find a weekend and go!"


"I wish I had this training 20 years ago! Wish I could have started my family with these tools Ive gotten in the Klemmer seminars.

This work has changed my life. It's hard work and it's not for everyone. If you’re willing to look in the mirror and ready to change the world, I highly recommend!”


"Klemmer has given me the gift of choice. I get to choose my feelings regardless of circumstance. I have grown in my ability to communicate with my wife and with coworkers. I am bold. I am abundant.

When I got married, I started my marriage having a 10/10 relationship with my wife who has also attended Klemmer seminars. There's no reason for me to have anything less than a fully committed loving marriage with my wife."


"This opened my eyes to the power I have in my choices. Opening my mind, heart and choosing to be a more helpful contribution to the world I'm involved in."


"I was so blown away by the Champions Workshop that I flew from Kansas to Florida for the Personal Mastery. In just 8 months I replaced my teaching income with my networking income and then retired from teaching. I have since tripled that income.
Without Klemmer it would have never been possible!"


"I came into the weekend unsure of how to handle the onslaught of emotions I had against myself. After the seminar I feel equipped to directly face the attacks and moments in between to show up for myself and others in a way that is true to who I was created to be."


"I have attended Christian conferences and seminars for over 30 years. The Quickening had transformative aspects that I have never encountered before. I highly recommend it."


"Since attending my first Personal Mastery, I doubled my income, paid off $10,000+ of debt, found the love of my life and started my dream business I was sitting on for 4+ years. I discovered a new level of courage, commitment, connection, joy, love and abundance since starting my Klemmer Journey."


"I highly recommend these courses!!!! There is life before these Klemmer courses and then life after. I could write a novel of how much value that it added to my life however I'll say this. It's made me more aware of how I show up in life and how I impact others. I turn reallys helped my marriage. We were facing some tough times and while I had some tough realizations I got an opportunity to save my marriage from further deterioration! We went from destruction to thriving. We've been together 14 years and I don't recall it ever being THIS GOOD and I'm so grateful we chose in. I've gained this incredible family of people going after a growth mindset and I'll never be the same!!"

Team Training &
Private Corporate Events

Steve Bunger, President & CEO Mobile Mini, Inc.

"As a company, we believe strongly that investing in our people to help them grow personally will equate into growth of our business. Our company vision includes the growth and improvement in each of our personal and professional lives, and your message on incorporating “Intentions = Results” and discovering the mechanism to achieve those results, highlighted those things each of us can do to achieve our goals. Your message on the 3R’s in the breakout sessions was an equally powerful, and benefited all who attended."

Gary Paul, Manager Coca Cola, Canada

"I must say that at first I was not excited, having attended many workshops over my 28 years with Coca-Cola bottlers and Corporate. They had been all types i.e. motivational, managerial, marketing, self-help etc. I always looked forward to them as each one was a learning experience and I always came away having learned something. Therefore, my first thought was “Okay, another same old, same old”, but we’ll go through the motions. WHAT AN EYE OPENER! From the first 10 minutes I knew I was in for something totally different, with shocking but exciting self-revelation."

Lois Bacon, President of Kaba Multimedia

"We are a family business and have some inter-generational challenges. Having two generations there to participate in "experiential learning" exercises has broken through some communication walls, which have been very damaging to our business. We are now pointed in a new direction of open, honest communication, which not only will improve business but also can have the power to enrich the lives of extended family."

Jim Kirkland, National Service Manager American Suzuki Motor Corporation

"We have found that the payoff on this training has been enormous. It truly opened the eyes of our dealers and our own staff and allowed them to deal with our more difficult and challenging customers in an entirely different and vastly more productive manner. We are able to turn around some of the most irate and difficult customers into long term satisfied Suzuki owners. The training materials, which were developed to do those seminars, have become part of our permanent library and are available upon request by our dealers."

Michael R. Simmons, Vice President of Finance & Planning
Fulton Boiler Works, Inc.

"We are starting to see tangible results from the earlier classes. In the face of declining sales we were able to maintain our profit level and actually beat the prior year!"

Nick Shauer, Assistant Vice President Human Resources

“We kicked off Specialty’s new leadership training by sponsoring 12 customized Corporate Personal Mastery seminars over 2 months for our team...I’m pleased to report Specialty’s results have been very satisfying! We’ve seen substantial changes in openness of communication, more trust among participants, increased risk-taking, and a better ability to handle change. Our long-term ROI should be reduced turnover, lower recruitment needs, better retention, and happier team members—thanks to your Corporate Personal Mastery program!”

Youth Leadership & Playful Mastery

"I have become very confident in my public speaking and have realized that I can make a change if I try and have my intentions set on what is needed. I am taking charge of my own life. I am a senior in high school and I've decided that it's time to take life seriously. I have started taking care of myself more physically and mentally. I have started going to the gym and eating better, as well as started praying with the intention to be better."


"I have grown when it comes to being grateful for what I have. Being at Klemmer and hearing what everyone was going through really helped me realize that I have it better then most of the kids. It was really eye opening seeing a lot of kids not have good relationships with their parents like I do, so seeing that has helped me grow and be appreciative of having a good supportive family. I have become more confident in walking through life and more mature. I have accomplished a lot of big things in the past month. More then I ever thought I would and that’s mostly from Klemmer. I think it has helped me step closer to being the best version of myself for me and for the ones around me."


"YLC helped me in my role as a leader and team captain on my wrestling team.  The coaches expected a great deal from me in my leadership role, and what I learned helped me gain the respect of my team members and the confidence of my coaches. YLC also helped me be more of a leader with my good friends and family – and gave me confidence in confronting them when I felt they were doing something wrong."


"If you are at all thinking about sending your kids, stop thinking and just sign them up. I have always been a proud momma, bragging on my babies. I have always known how amazing and capable they all are, the difference and greatness I see in them now is that they know how capable they all are now too! No arguments about doing chores and all they have to talk about is how great of a time they had and when and how they can raise money to all go together to YL2. I am so incredibly grateful to Kimberly A Zink, Krystal Zellmer, and the entire staff of YLC."


Video Testimonials

We touch the lives of many different people: Presidents and CEOs of some of the best companies to the next generation of kids who aspire to be leaders.

The Power to Choose
The Power to Choose
Confidence During Change
Confidence During Change
A Combat Veteran's Story of Transformation
A Combat Veteran's Story of Transformation
Overcoming Limitations
Overcoming Limitations
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